Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Fun with New Friends

I got a good laugh out of this story that I am going to tell but I will talk about it when I get to it in chronological order.

Started off the night by going to play volleyball ... after playing some Rock Band 2 of course. Then after getting online and looking for a party no one was biting on getting a THF so of course I played some more RB2. I actually unlocked a bunch of new venues and songs, but after I played my last 3 song gig I had enough stars to go for my plane! So tonight I will be going for my plane to open up the rest of the world to go around and make some new fans and open LOTS more stuff in the game.

At about 11:30 someone FINALLY invited me to their party. I was pumped, even though I did have to pause a song and screwed up a little because I wanted to make sure I got into the party. Once the party was together we went out to Quicksand Caves and there was a party there so we pulled back a little and tried our luck even though that is really a 1 party camp. At the start I was being nice and letting the other THF pull more mobs because their party was their 1st and I did feel a little bad. A little while later while me and the other THF were waiting for mobs to respawn I made a funny by saying, "I wish these mobs repopped like Colibri." Apparently that's when I set off the other THF because he responded with, "That's why this is a 1 party camp you assholes." Obviously I took offense to being called an asshole, so I did what any other "asshole" would do. I stopped being nice and kept out pulling him on EVERY mob that we tried to pull at the same time. Well if he's going to call me an asshole I might as well act like it right?

What was also amusing is that the THF kept checking me and checking me, I swear he had a macro to check me. Seriously, he checked me about 15 times in about a 15 min span, which was at least 2 times every time he wasn't engaged. Sadly for him he was trying to make fun of my gear which I admit was under par but I was still doing hella damage with my SA's and SATA's which I found a nice medium with since there was no 2nd voker for the PLD. I would SA at the start then SATA the SAM later on because if nothing else he could take a hit or two. Not to mention no one could even come close to what my WSs were doing because my high was about 420 and anyone else's was about 180. So even with my level 28 Archer's Knives I was still doing some awesome damage. That's one of the things that other THF kept trying to make fun of me for, he said "Nice daggers", and I replied with "Thanks, level 28 ftw", and he then responded with, "I was being sarcastic goofy." At that point I wasn't sure if he was trying to be funny or poke fun at me again, but knowing me, I took it as a compliment that I was still better than he was. :D

To top this whole story off, his party left about 2 mobs before mine did and that's when I realized that he was a 75 THF that was level syncing down to level 47. WHAT A RETARD! He was wearing a bunch of high level gear and I don't think he realizes that most of that high level gear doesn't sync down very well, OH WELL. So does that still make me a better THF than him?

Today I have some more RL stuff after work which means I won't be able to get online until about 9 or so tonight. I'm really hoping that I can at least hit 49 on my THF so I can just go to Gustav to solo pets instead of going all the way out to Cape Teriggan. So if I do hit 49 on THF tonight I'm going to stop it there and swap to my DRG and go kill some pets because I need to get my DRG to 50 so I can start popping those coffers and complete some AF.

On a side note, I am hoping Hybrid will be back this weekend because he has had some RL issues with moving and "stuff" but he will be back. Which means I will have my exp buddy back! ... hopefully :D

And while I'm talking about friends ... Disdain get your sorry butt back in game already!!!

Quote of the Day:
It means fasten your seat belt Dorothy, 'cause Kansas is going bye-bye.
- Cypher in The Matrix

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