Last night kinda just sucked. To start off, I didn't get out of work until about 6:15. Right after work I had to stop at my parents' house because they were having problems with their one computer connecting to the internet which it turned out there was just a loose connection between the router and the computer. After that I had about negative 10 minutes to eat and get somewhere else. Oh, did I mention my mom got into a car accident too? She's fine, but the guy that side swiped her did a doozy to her back tire. I guess she did like a 270 after getting hit and also ended up driving over someone's lawn because she got spun around so much she had to avoid hitting the guy that hit her. Anyways, moral of the story, I didn't even get home until 9:30. Yay for me and crappy days. I mean I didn't even get a chance to play Rock Band 2 last night... /cry
After I got home I was just being super lazy because I had no interest in really doing anything except being lazy. I did end up going to sky though on RDM, so I got to sit back and be a glorified WHM. I did get to recap my exp on RDM twice last night because the super smart NIN came NIN/DNC so he couldn't provoke the one stat off of me after I pulled it so I got to sit there and die. But after about 2 hours of farming we didn't get any pops because Water and Dio were being whores.
All in all, last night just sucked balls. The only thing that I really got accomplished was getting more sky points and a little bit of merit points. Well, I guess I did regear my PLD so I will be ready to go tonight if I decide not to go to sky .... unless they decide to do gods tonight instead of just farming I want to go level my PLD. I do kinda want to get back to exp a little, especially now that I have some pretty good gear for my PLD and I am sooo close to having all of my jobs at 50. Once I have them all at 50 I will be so much more relaxed and then can go back to enjoying leveling jobs that I really want to level like MNK and SAM. Next week should be a really good week for leveling because Khrone will be back and he has a few jobs at 37 that we can abuse in the bird camp which means my SMN at least should fly to 50. I don't want to really use my PLD there because of how easy it should be to get parties as a tank.
There are still a few things I need to do tonight before I really get down to exp. I need to do my choco race because my DRG still isn't 50 yet. I need to clear out some more inventory space because my outbox is still full since I never go on my mule to collect gear that I send there. There is still more gear that I need to send to my mule and a few pieces of my PLD gear that I need from my mule.
Bleh, I'm not really feeling well, maybe I will leave work early today and take a nap or try to level my PLD before my early volleyball game tonight. I think I need more sleep at night because I find that I just have no drive to do anything anymore. Hope I can fix that a little tonight then.
Quote of the Day:
McKenney: Are you saying you'll flunk us if we don't change the world?
Eugene: Well, no. But you might just scrape by with a C.
- Pay It Forward
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