Last night was a very lazy night. I barely did anything in game or IRL for that matter. After work I decided to go watch my team play volleyball since I still can't play. It was quite painful to watch them get smacked around and me not to be able to do anything. Then one of my friends I've known basically my entire life and some other people I know were playing in the next game so I stayed to watch that too. Its pretty different standing back and watching instead of being in there and playing.
Once those games finished I went home and finally logged on and just kind of sat in Jeuno waiting for an invite because I wasn't really interested in throwing together my own party so I took what I could get. I had to level sync down to 33 which wasn't all that bad because I was only 38 when I started but the PLD was talking about how he really should've never level sync'd below 40 because he loses so much as far as armor and job abilities, which I kind of agreed with him on. I did get a level out of the party which really wasn't that great because the BRD wasn't pulling when by all means he should have been and the DNC was pulling way too slowly and didn't understand where mobs would be and to disengage before the end of the fight to go pull. Whatever, I had some fun doing about 46% of the final damage of the party and being able to use my abilities and such.
I have to kind of relearn how to play DRK because I never really learned how to before. I think in just that party last night I really learned a lot about Souleater and Last Resort and Drain and balancing hate. By all means I could've been tanking so easily over the PLD but that would've just been dumb. Learning when to use a job ability and how to use it is way more important than just having uber gear. I've been learning that more and more as I progress through all of these jobs.
Tonight will be another laid back day becuase I have a bunch of stuff I need to do IRL until about 9PM. After that I will try leveling my DRK again and if nothing else I will just go try to actually put a party together for level syncing at my new fav spot. Hopefully Ara or Beerman or Khrone or Drivvt will want to come with me and have some fun leveling.
Since my goal for last night wasn't even close to being met I will stick with a much easier goal: DRK hitting 41 tonight. This is meaning I will be putting myself further behind my goal but I've also found that just blitzing through these levels isn't as fun as actually accepting some of these crappier parties because it makes you more appreciative of the good ones.
Quote of the Day:
Your knee needs to get better fast because we need a regular [volleyball player] on Sundays.
- Friend I've known my entire life telling me that I basically have an open invite to their Sunday night league which would be awesome
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