Thursday, October 9, 2008


Lately my craving for the grind of exp has been tailing off. This is really bad for me trying to hit my goal of end of the year for Maat's Cap because unless I stay hardcore for the next 2 months I have no chance. At the same time I knew this day was coming because there is no way I could keep up that sort of grind for that long.

Last night I really got nothing accomplished in game on my character. I really only geared up my THF and then sat around looking for a party. While I was looking for the party I was messing around with Screamineagle's 73BST. I was doing decently well on it but there is still some getting used to the macros that Screamin set up. Some of the macros just aren't as intuitive to me as I would hope. For instance, he has seperate macros for equiping his charm gear and his CHR gear and another macro for actually charming. To me, I think those should be consolidated into 1 or 2 macros at the most. CHR is used for Charm accuracy and so is the light staff which makes me think that they should be one in the same macro if possible, but also when he has such a simple Charm macro like he does I don't see why he couldn't at least combine 2 of them. I may have to do some rewriting of some of his macros but for the most part I think his macros are pretty good becuase he has the regular pet macros like fight, stay, etc. He also has macros for equiping his attack gear for himself like his Hauby or his attack rings and earrings. Those are macros I will definitely need when I get to that point on my BST.

For the most part I am just trying to get a feel for how beastmaster works again and more of how it works at higher levels. I have already discovered that I'm picking it up pretty quickly and I even had a few good moves, like when I discovered that one of my pet's moves was an AoE move and got aggro from another mob I just uncharmed my mob then recharmed it and went back on my way to killing. It was good to see that it was almost instinct for me to do that because it shows that I could probably jump back into BST pretty quickly since it is definitely a different kind of job to level.

I suppose I won't even set any sort of goal for this evening because I don't really feel that I have that strong urge to go exp. Maybe now would be a good time to go back and get some of the AF I should be working on. Or another option is to finish Screamin's BST to 74 so I can get his AF+1 legs completed and then redo his AF legs and get my AF legs while I'm at it. This is all stuff I will need to do anyways so I guess I might as well start doing it now while I'm not really in the mood for exp.

Quote of the Day:
Sometimes, truth isn't good enough, sometimes people deserve more. Sometimes people deserve to have their faith rewarded.
- Batman, The Dark Knight

1 comment:

Ara said...

It's not allowed!

*crack whip*