Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Holy Friends Batman

I can't believe it! I got a /tell last night on Screamin from Bleemo, one of the old leaders of NitohRyu, and he's back! Not only is Bleemo back, but Xandrah, Aetos, and Klitz are all coming back too! All of these guys were really good players. Xandrah was actually the shell holder of NitohRyu and then the other 3 were all RL friends I believe and the other leaders of the shell.

The only down side of all of this is that only Bleemo and Aetos I guess are actually getting their characters back which means that Klitz and Xandrah are starting anew and haven't yet decided on character names and such yet. I did offer for them to all get a pearl for HacTao, which Xandrah actually remembered the name of, but some of them hadn't even started their characters yet so he said they would hold off on that. Now that I have been thinking about it though, they will probably just go where ever Dragonreborn is because he is another RL friend of theirs that never quit the game. It was just really exciting to see them all again.

As for someone else whom I just found out came back as well was Hayden. He was Screamin's old LS leader for Limbus and I guess they became friends through there. Hehe, its funny that all of these guys were actually friends with Screamin but they all still remember me. Xandrah was actually the one that sent the /tell to Screamin from Bleemo's account since I know they were roommates and then Hayden I knew used to e-mail back and forth Screamin IRL. Its just funny that they sent tells to him literally an hour apart. Wow, that's just really cool that all these people are coming back.

Accomplishments from last night are kind of few and far between because of my damn DVR. I got home at a little after 9 and had to start catching up on the Browns vs. Giants game. Once I caught up it hit about halftime. Instead of waiting for halftime to finish to keep watching the game I decided to catch up on Heroes instead and just let the game continue to get recorded. After I finished watching another good episode of Heroes I started to catch up on the Browns game again ... which they were WINNING! If you have seen any NFL football this season you know that the Browns were on the way down the toilets and the Giants were probably considered the best team in the NFL. I don't know what it was but the Browns finally clicked and DESTROYED the Giants, and yes, destroyed because a 1-3 team beat a 4-0 team by 21 points ... 21 POINTS!

Anyways, after that I tried doing Ramuh with Khrone and we failed miserably the first time, but luckily I timed Ramuh's swings just right and got out alive but no such luck for Khrone and Screamin. After that I decided that doing avatars AT ALL is retarded if you aren't blink tanking because the en-spell damage is rediculous and even for as high as my Enfeebling Magic is I couldn't dispel it. So again I just decided to tell Khrone to tank it on his MNK/NIN and I just sat back with Screamin and myself curing and paralyna-ing. It went pretty smoothly that way except that Khrone really needs to learn to time his shadows better and learn how to cancel his shadows because Ichi will not overwrite Ni, but Ni will overwrite Ichi. I get flustered with all of this little stuff but I have to keep reminding myself that I have been playing for what 4 or 5 years and he has only been actually playing for about 1.

Since we were already in the Tree and I needed a key for my DRG AF we just went back by Aquarius's pop and sat there killing basically everything to get me a key. Once I got my key a JP THF asked if we could help him kill Aquarius which again, was no problem as long as you blink tanked it. Now I'm starting to understand more and more what Screamin always complained about how there is sooooooo much in the game that a NIN can tank but a PLD can't even though when all is said and done a PLD is actually a much better tank. Anyways, the Fransica is an axe I will definitely need once I start leveling RNG again, so I'll definitely be back there. Not to mention that Aquarius dropped over 3k to each person and there were 5 of us there which is a nice chunk of change.

Tonight I don't know what I will do, maybe more THF. I really should start getting rolling on THF to just get it over and done with because I know SMN is gonna be a pain til 50 but hopefully WHM will go pretty easily. Guess that's my very little update for today.

Quote of the Day:
Hey Screamin!
- Xandrah from Bleemo's account (it may not be much of a quote to any of you but these guys were the leaders of probably the best sky shell I was ever a part of and had the most fun with)


Ara said...

I assume you're RDM/NIN for Ramuh?

If you're anything else, you're doing it wrong.

You're also still doing it wrong if you're dying to avatars with two people at 75.


Most of those two hours hit me for less than 15 damage a pop on PLD/NIN. And you have magic def bonus traits.

Fail Tre.

Ara said...

Oh I forgot, if Vaniel ever gets his character back you're going to have to tell me.

Khrone said...

"Ichi will not overwrite Ni, but Ni will overwrite Ichi."

I SO did not know that. But now I do.

And knowing is half the battle.

The other half involves a rubber chicken, a spatula, some super glue, a condom, a tire iron and a fifth of whiskey... but I don't think I need to get into that right now.

wait... where was i going with this? nvm. some shadows can overlap, some can't. gotcha!