Seeing as I didn't really have much time yesterday I just spent it gearing up my SMN and moving around some inventory from my mule and my storage. I started a mini fire sale on my mule because I have a ton of junk on it that I will probably NEVER use again. So instead of being a pack rat like I usually am I decided to start selling some of it and started realizing that I actually have some gear on there worth a little bit of gil. The gear that I'm selling on my mule will definitely help easy the cost of all the leveling I plan on doing still.
Another thing I should start thinking about is using my CP for something and start making some gil off of it. Even if I just constantly turn in Centurion Swords or something that is about 15k a pop which means I could make like 750k just selling Cent Swords with my over 200k of CP. Or maybe start using my like 6 stacks of BC's and 2 stacks of KS ... not to mention my KS99 orb I have /cry.
One day I will get back to my Bonecrafting too because that would still be a good way to make some good gil but I just don't have the time now because I know I have plenty of gil to make it to Maat's Cap. Which is honestly quite relieving because that means I won't have to do any serious farming or anything to get all my jobs up there.
On a complete side note, windows at work is terrible because when I went to lunch it decided to restart and I thought I had posted this blog. This is where blogger being awesome is nice, because it saved this as a draft automatically and I didn't have to start from scratch again! FU Windows!!!
As for gaming, I will attempt to sell some more junk tonight and then get my Pilgrim's Wand. Besides that I doubt I will be able to do anything else because of a party tonight and then more drinking tomorrow night along, since it will be my Birfday, with the OSU game tomorrow early afternoon. Then Sunday I will be going downtown for more food and possibly beverages. Monday should hopefully be more relaxed with an early afternoon lunch for me that Momlady is cooking up and then I will just be LAZY all day long. So there are definitely gaps that I could get some stuff done in game but it all depends on how much my girlfriend requires that she be at my side...
Quote of the Day:
What do you wanna do?
I dunno, what do you wanna do?
Now don't start that again!
- convo that my gf and I had last night but I'm pretty sure its also from the animated version of Jungle Book
1 comment:
Poor Pilgrim's Wand....
Needs more screen shots!
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