Step 1 is now complete in my grand scheme of my glorious hat! I just have to be sure that I don't let up on my goals. I really need to keep myself focused on this because I see so much going on around me that I'm "missing out on" but I feel like I am actually getting something just as good done.
Like last night Sush was bugging me to join his Sky LS and that I have an open invitation whenever I want to join them. Which would really be great because they actually get stuff accomplished in Sky and do really well on the gods. They also go through a lot of pop sets and kill a lot of the gods weekly. Its just that it would really take away from my goals right now. I mean some of that gear would be AMAZING when I get to end game with some of these jobs, but I need to get the jobs there first. I think I will still hold off as long as I possibly can because I really want to get most of my jobs to 66 before thinking about end game again. After I get a bunch to 66 I can start working on getting gear for them end game while working on finishing off the last job or 2.
Last night was also my first experience with Level Sync, and to be honest I was a little underwhelmed. I synced up with my brother's SMN at 21 with my MNK at 38. First off, whenever the level sync person levels, EVERYONE loses TP. (No biggie) Second, my level 15 knuckles added more to my attack than my level 32 knuckles. (Kind of annoying when I realized that) Thirdly, when I hit 40 and threw on my Brown Belt ... my Purple Belt still added more STR than my Brown Belt and I essentrially ditched all the hast bonus on it which is what makes it good. I can understand them bringing down the strength of the uber end game gear but when there isn't really a big difference between some of the gear why cut off all the extras of it. Essentially you are saying "Hey! We're saving you inventory space by scaling back your higher level gear when you want to!" but they left out the fact that even gear that isn't that great at that level will still probably be better than the scaled down version of even the best higher level gear. Now I didn't do any full testing with say O Kote or Republic Subligar, but I'm assuming it is really cut apart too. And O Kote becomes that much worse because the EVA-5 still holds strong even at level 1. This probably makes the O Kote at level 20 about an ATT+5 and EVA-5 piece of gear (if you're lucky). Again, I'm not as amazed with this as I thought I would be.
Not to mention that when I was actually trying to find a party, there were like 7 parties in Qufim Island. This is going to really stress the lower level exp areas until people realize it is still better to join parties with people around your level. That way you can still keep the added effects of your level 39 Haste boots, or you level 34 O Kote, or your level 33 P Charm, or keep your elemental Ni wheel at 40. I think it will just have to sink in to people that dropping to level 15 isn't going to be the answer to trying to exp your way through the grind of the 60s. I mean you can get higher chains and more exp per hour at some of those higher camps anyways. Again, I think it'll just take some time for people to realize what Level Sync is actually good for and not go overboard with it.
Now that I am a full 10 days ahead of schedule I have to try and keep ahead of schedule and keep exping whenever I possibly can because I know later on down the road I AM going to fall behind for one reason or another. So in the spirit of keeping myself ahead of the game I will try to use these next 10 days to get myself from 40 to 50 on MNK. That way I can be 10 levels closer to finishing my next tier goal before I was even planning on starting it. I am really hoping that I am overestimating getting all 8 of jobs under 50 to 50. I had given myself 1 full month to get every Maat's job to 50 (Oct 19th), but if I can hit MNK to 50 before that month even starts that will be a huge gain for myself. If I can get MNK to 50 before the 19th I will have to do approximately 2.5 levels a day for a month to hit my goal which is REALLY easy. With having my weekends open now I could probably crank out a full 10 levels in 1 weekend let alone in 5 days. If I got really lucky I might even be able to get 2 jobs to 50 in 1 weekend (Friday night, Saturday, and Sunday). I guess this second tier goal is all about OBLITTERATING the end date so I can get started that much sooner on the last tier goal of 66. It will also give me time to do all of my AF for all of my jobs ... which I am REALLY not looking forward to. I mean I will have THF at 50 by then so I could just take that out and have Screamin solo all the mobs so I'd have that TH2 to work with making life easier, but that is still a TON of coffer keys and quests to do. 30 coffer keys and 28 quests. BLAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!! Granted that does include finishing my WAR AF which I don't plan on doing (so total that I will do is 27 coffers and 27 quests). Anyways, that will just have to be where I stand for now with AF and all that junk because I will probably take a full week or two to just complete it all.
As for current short term goals, I will be saying ... level 45 by the end of Saturday. If my gf doesn't stay over tonight or tomorrow night I should be able to make about 42 or 43 and should be able to finish off the last 2 or 3 levels on Friday after work or Saturday when I might hopefully possibly have a break from her in the afternoon. Now a lot will lay on parties because there is not much I can do as far as soloing since all solo camps at this level are elementals. Maybe at 44/45 I could run out to Cape Terrigan and see what kind of damage I can do there, but I will have to try that when I get there.
Quote of the Day:
"Step 1 done in the grand scheme of my Maat's Cap glory!"
- me of course :P
oh yeah, AF.
Did you calculate the extra time necessary to get all of your AF into your overall time needed to get all jobs to 66?
Gear is scaled down to crap.
It's crap.
Level Sync is crap.
Either way congrats on Step 1 of your goal. I applaud you for being able to stick it out this far, and if you keep away from endgame you'll get there faster than you would without it. Then you could focus on endgame.
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