Monday, October 6, 2008

; ;

I come bearing more bad news, its seems as though Hybridkiller is now also retiring from the game. He is moving out to the middle of no where to move in with his girl friend. As he plays on his PS2 he will probably have problems getting internet to a room he needs it and a TV to play on. The worst part of all of this is he is talking about selling off his characters which honestly I think is a terrible idea because there is always the possibility of him wanting to come back down the road. But that's his call and sadly not mine. He said he would sell them to me if I wanted them but I've vowed never to buy an account because where is the sense of accomplishment there? I accepted Screamineagle because it was given to me by an RL friend but that is the extent of me "buying" an account is paying for a second.

Moving away from the sad stuff ... I did my escort quest on Saturday and used it on my MNK which is now 50, YAY. This weekend was also devoted to at least finishing my DRK and starting my DRG which was also accomplished. My DRK is now 50 and my DRG is now 45.

I just have not been having luck with my pet camp out in Cape Terrigan until later last night. Finally the raptor didn't respawn and then I could just run back and forth between the 2 goblins swiping pets and rocking out some good exp again. It is nice seeing about 6 or 7k solo (with a PL of course) without much trouble. What is also great is watching the damage you can do to a pet.

So I have been using my parser again and I have noticed a few things about DRK and DRG. One is either I know how to play them really well or people don't know how to play their DD jobs well. Also, DRK and DRG are some massive DDs and the DRG's wyvern is SOOOOO underrated. In the time that I was parsing with my DRK I was only outdone once and that was on bats where I couldn't land any of my Absorbs or Drain or Aspir for diddly which actually does take away from a DRK. I was outdone by that MNK by about 2 or 3% in the end which doesn't sound like much but over time it adds up.

Then on DRG, WOW, people underestimate the damage that the wyvern can do. I was in a party out in Western Alepa Desert with an amazing party: NIN, DNC, SCH, DRK, DRG (me), and BRD. This party was occasionally hitting chain 6s and we weren't being PL'd, now THATS a party. I also parsed this party and noticed that alone my DRG was doing about 36% of the overall damage, which isn't too bad since the DRK was only doing about 25%. Then I realized, hey, there's Firewing's damage too..... /jawdrops If I remember correctly, the NIN was doing about 18% and the DNC was doing about 12% and Firewing was doing about 12%... yes, my wyvern was doing about the same amount of damage as the DNC and not too much less than the NIN.... WOW! So if you add in myself with my wyvern, I was doing about 50% of the damage in that party! DRGs fuggin ROCK! Its not even like I was super decked out or had uber gear, its just that my damage output so great. I know I've said it before but all you people who still think DRG can't be a good DD, YOU'RE RETARDED!

Moving backwards a little again to DRK. I was actually surprised at the damage I was putting out on DRK when my Scythe was almost never capped and my weapon skill was basically just an extra swing and didn't do any great damage, which is another reason why that MNK bested me in damage, he had Raging Fists and I had Nightmare Scythe. I'm kind of excited to see what DRK can do with an actually decent weapon skill like possibly Vorpal Scythe or definitely Guillotine. I think I did decide that in order to just keep my weapons up to scratch though I will go with GS for my next weapon as it seems a lot better than any other weapon at 50 and it should basically be a free item for me as its just an Allied Notes weapon from Windy.

As for RL, I saw a different physical therapist today since my regular one is out of town this week and he gave me some new tips on what I should be doing to hasten my return to athletics. He is actually more of a sports therapist which is actually right up my alley since that is EXACTLY what I need my leg for. He told me about using one of those thin straps for tendons as it helps relieve the strain on it and he told me to specifically ice under my knee cap. This is because the actual inflamation that I have is under my knee cap so when I ice it I should use an ice cube for 2 minutes while pushing on the top of my knee cap to raise it to more directly apply the cold. Outside of that I need to just constantly stretch basically. I'm pumped because this is giving me hope that I could be back to volleyball within a month. :D

Goal for tonight: As I don't really feel the push anymore and I have some RL stuff to do I will just say DRG to 47 or maaaaaybe 48 depending on how lucky I am with my solo camp.

Quote of the Day:
How much do you think I could get for my other character.
- Hybridkiller talking BLASPHEMY about selling his characters

Bonus QotD:
But ultimately what the bailout does is, help those that are concerned about the healthcare reform that is needed to help shore up our economy to's gotta be all about job creation, too.
- Tina Fey as Gov. Palin .... oh man I haven't laughed that hard in a while!

1 comment:

Ara said...

You have to remember that's before NIN gets things like Hauby and a good weapon skill. I believe that's also before Dancer gets Dancing Edge.

Not to say that they'd out parse a DRG, but the comparison will be less later on.

DRG does better in lower levels. It's when you start pushing 50+ that other DD's close in on DRG and surpase it really.