Friday, October 17, 2008

Getting Bored

Last night was kind of uneventful. After volleyball I went and duo'd with Khrone in Altepa again. He got his SAM to 37 and I got my THF to 46. I guess that leaves us with going out to the bird camp in the past to rock out some hard core exp. Hopefully I can snag Swifman and his friends to come out and have some fun with us because he was out there last night with Sinles and Arbil and he got 5 levels on his DRG.

I am kind of at a loss at what else to talk about. I mean there is stuff I'd like to do in game like camp some NMs, join an end game LS, exp more, but my drive is dying out. The only thing really keeping me rolling right now is friends (and my brother) asking me to go do stuff with them. Sush keeps inviting me to his LS, Khrone keeps asking me to help PL him or get avatars or something, and then Swifman asking to go level with him or join his HNM shell. All those things are really what's keepin me chuggin along right now. I don't really have that self drive that I used to, which may be because of the jobs that I'm playing or maybe I'm just burned out from all the exp that I've gotten lately and I need a change of pace. That's probably partially why I have been starting all my AF earlier than I originally planned.

Now don't get me wrong, I'm not talking about quitting but I'm just talking about motivation to get stuff accomplished in game. I really want Maat's cap, but its just such a struggle to keep exping EVERY night and at such great lengths. I'd love to actually do some other stuff like assaults or nyzule isle or even limbus. Heck, even just go do some ENMs for gil because you can never have too much gil. The more I think about it the more I realize that end game wasn't just about getting gil and items, but it was about doing all that with your friends and having fun with it. Ok, I guess I will just stop there because this therapy session needs to end. haha

Tonight I hope to get my Quicksand Caves coffer key and then the AF weapon fight that I have in the Cloister of Tremors done. After I get the coffer key I will have all the keys I need for my DRG AF, so I guess that means I'm doing DRG first. Maybe with some spare time I have I will go get DRG to 50 so I can actually GET the AF started and finished on DRG.

Quote of the Day:
This place is awesome, possibly the best camp at any level.
- Swifman talking about the bird camp in the past

1 comment:

Ara said...

That camp is going to get so over camped.

It sounds like you need a breaking from grinding all those levels.

Do your AF, do some assault? Or something.