Monday, December 29, 2008

Final Update of the Year

My productivity in game has been a little low lately as my gf has been home and spending a lot of time with me. Most of my other free time has been spent trying to rearrange my room and clean my room and on the rare occasion hang out with some friends.

As far as out of game goes, my Christmas gifts weren't all that because I got like 3 articles of clothing and then some drawers and laundry hampers. That's pretty much why I've been rearranging my room a little because I've been trying to make room for it. I also got a new DVD rack which was really nice because I was completely out of space on my old one. As for what I asked for for Christmas was a lot of movies and I only got 3, Troy(Blu-Ray), Boiler Room(DVD), and a huge box set for I Am Legend(Blu-Ray). My room is pretty much reorganized but still needs to be cleaned (since I didn't get the hot maid I asked for or the hot personal assistant) but I still need to find a better place for my Rock Band 2 drum set.

As for in game, I've done a lot of AF hunting because I haven't really had time to exp at all. I am perfectly ok with not exping because I wanted to have my SAM AF helmet before I got back to SAM since I would probably hit 60 in my next party. My SAM is really exciting because I have a lot of really nice gear for it and at 59 I get my Hauby which will really help out with damage and accuracy since it has DEX and ACC bonuses.

But before even starting on my SAM AF I had to finish my DRG AF which wasn't really all that hard to do. Its nice having a 2nd char because I can basically duo everything now including all the really tough fights. Probably the hardest part of all the AF that I've done thus far has been the Temple of Ugg. coffer that I had to get for my SAM because it was in the hardest to reach spot. I went in with Screamin and found that it was behind 2 locked doors. Luckily 1 key wasn't too hard to get and the 2nd one I could aggro mobs through to open the door. The biggest problem was that Screamin ended up having about 4 mobs beating on him while I had to run and snag my coffer. Luckily the mob by the coffer had just turned away so I could grab it and then invis, run back to screamin and have him tele out. The only way I would be able to do that was Invincible on him and then tele. I ALMOST didn't make it because he had paralyze on him and if that would've stopped him from casting I was toast.

Now my next test will be the SAM AF helm fight. That I'm actually kind of excited to do because I want to duo it with MNK/DNC and RDM/WHM. It is supposedly soloable by a MNK/DNC but I figure with my RDM there to help out on cures while Screamin's MNK just destroys the mobs it should be fun. My plan right now is: Phalanx 2 on Screamin with other buffs, run in and get enough TP for Drain Samba 2, use it, then 2hr and take out the BLM and hopefully start on the DRK, take down the DRK, and then have a nice and easy time taking out the SMN. This sounds really easy to me so I'm happy to try it out. Hopefully I can try it out next weekend when I'm back in town. It will probably only be like a 5 or 10 min fight which is kind of funny since the run to the actual fight and prepping will more than likely take longer. Once I get this fight done and get my SAM kabuto I will be ready to go back in full swing with exping SAM. And my goal for SAM is being 66 in 3 weeks which I think is definitely doable even with sky events since I will have weekends free again as I don't plan on going to visit my gf for at least a few weeks.

This next week I will be in Chicago for the first time for New Year's events and to do the whole tourist thing with my gf. Should be pretty fun, hope I don't think too much about ^^ while I'm there. lol

Quote of the Day:
I can't believe that 1 song took us almost 2 hours to beat...
- one of us during our Rock Band 1 "Endless Setlist" marathon, we did all 58 songs in a row in 1 night

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Freakin Power

So I'm getting stuff done in game, working through my AF for DRG, and then BAM, power goes out for the whole friggin night. Not a happy camper.

I did get some stuff done before my power went out though, mostly AF stuff for my DRG. I got up to my AF Helm fight so that will be done this evening when I leave work early. Then I need to go start my AF for SAM becauase I have to get a jump on that because of the stupid "have to wait until JST midnight before you can continue."

Well, super short post because I am already heading out of work today and I haven't really had much to update about in game stuff anyways. PEACE

Quote of the Day:
Happy Holidays and may all your gear drop that you wish :P

Monday, December 22, 2008

Free Time

It is nice having free time again. I actually get to relax and do as I please. What I have been doing a lot of lately has been SAM leveling which is pretty fun. I realize that I don't have the drive that I used to with leveling but its nice to see me cruising through all of these levels.

My SAM hit 58 last night just before logging off because I was so tired. I am now only 1 level from Hauby, 2 levels from AF helm to help with Meditate (which I don't have yet), 3 levels from Minuet earring, 3 levels from Amemet +1 (which is very welcome upgrade), and I guess 1 or 2 levels from a good weapon skill! So much to come in the next few levels that will really help my SAM do some extra damage and take Enpi and Jinpu out of my arsenal. The thing I dread is after these next few levels I will be hitting the dreaded 60s and not see much as far as upgrades to gear or job abilities or anything really. Sekkanoki at 65 will be pretty hot but other than that I'm just looking forward to the 70s when I get LOTS of upgrades.

There in lies another problem, stop at 66 or go to 75? I'd like to go to 75 but Khrone was saying that I should stop at 66 and keep rolling for Maat's Cap. This is such a struggle for me because as much as I'd love to still go for Maat's Cap I don't really know if I can make it without taking a real break from the LS and completely concentrating on leveling again. It is a real time sink for one of the best overall head pieces in the game but also quite an accomplishment. I think I'd still like to have SAM or MNK at 75 before I go for Maat's Cap again but that is another job to 66 that I could be using that exp on. Argh, I guess it'll be how I feel when I hit 66 and see where I want to go.

Nyzul Isle went better this week, but still not great. We won 2 runs this week with a bad incident that caused us to lose the one time. It was a lesson learned so we will be sure not to wipe on that NM again. The biggest problem was that we were 2/3, as in we only did 3 runs instead of the full 4 again that we were hoping to do. That's 2 weeks in a row now to not have done a full 4 runs which is kind of annoying since I sit on tags to get us going. When we don't use that tag its basically a wasted tag because I could've gone on another boss fight run with another group. Oh well, hopefully next week we can get 4 runs in before I bounce for Chicago. I should be able to get Sunday away from the woman because I will need to finish packing since we leave basically right after I get out of work on Monday. Then after the holidays I think we are going to try and start doing twice a week so we can really get us moving through these floors as we all really want to get to floor 100 ASAP. That way we can go back and start owning the other floors for gear and be working on our new weapon skills. I'm more looking forward to the good gear because the Goliard Hands and Body are really good upgrades for my RDM which are much welcome.

Tonight will be gf time since we're doing dinner and gift exchange tonight. So I doubt there will be an update tomorrow as I won't really have anything to talk about. Til next time.

Quote of the Day:
Wait, you guys want me to switch to my WAR?!?!
- Me when we were doing Nyzul Isle and realized that my BRD wasn't really helping during the regular floor runs (and my WAR actually did seemingly help)

Friday, December 19, 2008

Venting About Vent

I was right about my laptop, I was putting in the wrong IP address. I can now connect to my Ventrilo server and actually so could Khrone. This means that the reason that Hybridkiller couldn't connect 2 nights ago was because I sort of forgot to give him the password. lol Anyways, I think I will finally have my own Ventrilo server now which is pretty sweet. That means we could all be pretty well set up for anything we need it for like Salvage or Nyzul Isle or whatever.

After I found that out about vent, I went to volleyball and won the finals, hurray for money back or a free sweatshirt. After that it was a full night of a SHITTY movie (never watch The Strangers, really bad) and then gf time. Not to mention a bunch of RL drama, which obviously I love whole heartedly.

On a side note, I discovered that Swifman had convinced Alexson to jump servers thus discovering that Swifman ain't comin back. Oh well, another friend on this server bites the dust. Good luck on your longer term stay than I expected Swif.

Quote of the Day:
Well at least we know you can connect to my vent server, now we just actually need mics to test it out.
- Me on the phone with Khrone because he connected but neither of us had working mics to try it out

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Ventrilo Must Die

Seriously, so Kota had no problems setting it up, but for some reason I am having a big problem with it. I can connect to my own Ventrilo server running on my computer, but I can't even connect to it from my laptop. The only thing I haven't tried for that is using my internal (inside my router) IP address for my computer. I tried using the outside IP address and the local host and even the addres but none of them worked. Hopefully that will at least fix my internal issues with Vent. Then I'll only have to get a new microphone since mine is apparently broken. Of course then I have to figure out how to have other people get INTO my server from outside ... like the vent site can actually do.

Maybe I'll try out Teamspeak tonight and see how that works out for me.

Last night I was in such a bad mood with the whole Ventrilo stuff that I almost didn't do anything in game. I ended up only doing some Campaign for myself and Screamin. As for Screamineagle he hit 7 merits so I decided to finally to use some up. I threw 2 merits into shield skill and then another merit into Chivalry. 2.5 minutes off of chivalry can actually really add up when you overload it with merits. I guess I should be kind of happy from that but it only curbed the anger a little bit. Hopefully when it comes time I can rank up with both of my chars again but I think I'll still be 1 rank short of the Iron Ram Hose for Screamineagle.

Tonight is finals for volleyball so I'll have that. I have a feeling we're going to win in 3 games (best of 5) so I shouldn't be out too long so maybe I can work a little bit on getting the Vent or TS servers working. But then I will either have sky or gf duty. Guess we'll just see where the night takes me again...

Quote of the Day:
2 RDM hats drop in dynamis tonight :D
- Sush after getting out of Dyanims-Xarc and making me REALLY want to do dynamis again...

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Unlucky But Lucky

Last night I watched the 2nd Naria movie with my gf (which was really long .... "that's what she said") and then my gf went home because she had to wake up early today. With the absense of a gf last night, that meant I could go to sky again. I was all pumped and ready to go all out on some gods and maybe Kirin and of course I was disappointed by a whoping 12 person turn out.

We ended up getting a bunch of pop items which was really nice but sadly we only got to do a Genbu. I guess there was a buyer for the Z Mitts, Regina, that was walking around with a Mandau. Its little things like that that make me /cry. What also made me cry is that Z Mitts didn't drop so we didn't get the almost 800k from the drop. This week may be a big payout week again since not many people will probably get their points for payout. Hurray for that because gil is always nice.

Well I'm back into the thinking of needing a dynamis shell and making a salvage group. The 2 big problems are that I don't have time and my gf will be taking up all of my extra time until she goes back to school. So basically any plans that I am making are strictly for after new years now. Dynamis I'm thinking more and more about going with HellsBells but that also made me just think that starting after new years I have something every wednesday from 7-9. Argh, dynamis is just so hard for me to find a group that goes at the times I want and need. As for Salvage, I still need to find a solid group that wants to go and find regular times to go. I dunno, it just keeps seeming more and more like I will never get through everything I want to, time is just too short.

As for the title, we ended our sky farming at about 2:30 AM last night but the Despot window was just about to reopen. We killed a few mobs before the window opened so no biggie. At about 3:30 AM Hybridkiller and I both state that we're getting a little tired, and I even said that I doubt that if a mob were to do Meltdown I wouldn't be able to stun in time. Guess what happened about 10 seconds after I said that ..... the mob readies Meltdown. I stun it, and then ... BOOM! It still freaking blew up after I stunned it, which makes me confused. Anyways, literally JUST after our mob blows up, the other group of duo guys pop Despot. Unlucky! We have 3 people dead and only myself(blm/whm) and Disdain(brd/whm) are still alive. I raise Hybrid and quickly realize that the duo guys aren't doing so well. Their blm had already died and the RDM was d/cing. After raising Hybrid I threw up stoneskin and blink and then Despot goes unclaimed and I immediately cast bind. Hybrid and I did a great job of bind/graving while he was weakened and we were getting everyone up. Once Orzhov was up he was kiting decently on PLD/NIN, but he needs to learn a little bit more about kiting. As for Hybrid, we need to refine his macros (and my own) if we are to do duo stuff like that because he was casting bind in vermy which means he loses out on the fast cast boost from AF hat which in turn is a 5% haste on his spells, meaning he can cast bind again 5% sooner. All in all we got Lucky and still whooped on Despot and got us each (Khrone, Disdain, Orzhov, Hybridkiller, and myself) 10 points. Now we just need the people in the LS to blow some gods up.

Tonight is another toss up night, but I have a feeling it'll be with my gf again.

Quote of the Day:
I doubt I'd be able to stun Meltdown if another one tried it.
- me, seconds before a mob did it and ended up blowing us up.

Monday, December 15, 2008

Mighty Morphing Power LS

Good news, our LS has changed again! The LS will now be selling every other Haidate to buyers.

This has up sides and down sides. The up side, the people that are looking more for the payout will get exactly that, a bigger payout from us selling the Haidates for 4.75M. The down side, the people that thought they were so close to Haidate have just been bumped down the list by 2x. For example, Khrone was 5th on the list for Haidate so now he is actually 10th. At least he will still be getting his bigger payouts now and maybe our attrition rate for sky will be higher than it seemingly has been because of those bigger payouts. The reasoning behind this change is that newer people were flying up the list for Haidate and not really deserving of it and then leaving the LS once they got it. Thus making it another point to keep people in the LS or those that are just trying to leech out of the LS. I just feel sorry for Hybrid and Khrone because they are going to have to wait longer for their Haidates. There has been more of a push though for more Byakko out put though, like the new goal is 4-6 a week which also means hitting the dio/despot farm hard.

I also got a chance to roll out with Disdain and Khrone to the bird camp in the past. We rolled with 5 people and a PL with 2xDRK, 2xSAM, and DNC plus Screamin as a PL. I almost never ran out of MP because I had just gotten a discounted Vermy from Hybrid (thank you sir) for when I helped him out. We ROCKED that spot and I went from 51-54 on SAM without much of a problem. It was a great party, especially when you are doing 10k+/hr on a level 37-41 job. My only wish is that I could use my Soboro for some fun fun damage and weapon skilling. I also really wish I wasn't main tanking because I was full timing Seigan and Third Eye which meant my damage output wasn't what it could have been, but it was still good damage when I could break out Hasso because someone else pulled a lot of hate.

I don't have much time left in the day, so I'll come to a quite quick ending. Tonight I'll probably be with my gf most of the night if not all of the night so that means I don't even know if I'll get to log on for sky tonight which means they probably won't be able to do Kirin. Well, they might if they have all the right people up there.... /sigh. Anyways, until tomorrow.

Quote of the Day:
Have to fly, have to fight, have to crow, have to save Maggie, have to save Jack .... Hook is back.
- Toodles from Hook

Friday, December 12, 2008

International Harvester

The plan last night was for a Kirin off the bat and maybe some lesser gods. As we only had about 16 total throughout the night we ended up scratching Kirin and just farmed. We aren't sure what xxKFBxx does up there because we went and killed an NM every half hour while there without competition while they just farmed diorite, I'm pretty sure the whole time. They tried to get Despot but our guys got him and then somehow they swiped claim and killed, but because they had stolen claim from us they gave us the gem.

After despot, we just rolled through everything else, SC, MG, Zip, Faust, got a diorite(from the Nexus camp), and then got 2x waters too. I don't know how all those NMs were up when KFB could've had all of them dead before we got there, but instead they still stayed at Ulli. It is kinda sad to see how terrible their LS is when it comes sky. With how many people they have there they could've cleaned sky up but didn't. That left our LS basically free roam of sky and destroying everything .... darn.

Sunday will hopefully be another good day for me if I can get away from my girlfriend because I'm already pretty high again in points and I don't think anyone is going for D Body anymore. I might as well snag one while I can. After that I'm just going for D Legs and D Head and I'll be golden. Hurray for a plan for my future, now I just have to see how it works out for myself. lol

This weekend is basically shot because I'm sure my gf will be with me 85% of the weekend which leaves me no time to game. Hopefully I can get back to the game Sunday night so I can try to be there for a possible 2xKirin night and some extra gods. I'm getting really excited for Sunday because that means I could have some really nice gear to ding into for when my SAM gets to 75. :D

Quote of the Day:
(talking about hybrid spending his fortune that he had)
Me: Dang Hybrid, you blew your load fast
Malikeye: Haha, I just can't help but say it .... that's what she said
- It made me proud that someone said it and it wasn't me or Khrone, lol

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Soboro Sukehiro

Well, this week has turned out pretty darn good for me, first Byakko Haidate and now Soboro Sukehiro. I must say I am quite pleased with myself now. My SAM is going to shape out to be pretty fun to level now.

I finally broke down and bought Fuma Kyahan on Tuesday night because there was no way I was going to camp that stupid NM since all I have heard are horror stories, for instance Mactatus being 0/54 on it. Now I have a lot of really good gear for myself between 50 and 75. My list contains Fuma, Soborro, Swift Belt, Rajas Ring, Jaeger Ring, Storm Loop, and now Soboro. That gear right there could basically take me to 75 right now. As for a body piece I have Jujitsu Gi until my Hauby which I can use til end game. The only piece that I am kind of lacking on is a head piece. I plan on buying Valkyrie Mask but someone was trying to up the price on it. Although, last night while we were farming tar in the 40 cap Riverne site we found that the Carmine Dobsonflies were up. So tonight or maybe this weekend some time I'd love to get out there and blow them up as getting a Voyager Sallet would really top off my gear until end game.

That brings me to my actual end game gear in sky. Tonight we will probably be trying to do 2xKirin which means Sush has a good chance of being done with the LS. Which also means I need to try to get my hands on whatever I possibly can. I have decided that Heca isn't nearly a priority for myself as Dryadic gear since I feel that it would take less of an effort to get Heca gear from outside the LS as it would Dryadic. Plus I just feel that I could really deck out my SAM better than I could my WAR. The biggest problem of course lies in the Hagun, which is hands down the expensive part of SAM since it is 3.2M right now. Guess that means I need to keep a group going on ENM runs to try and get it to drop. Can we see that I'm getting ahead of myself since my SAM is only 51 and Hagun is 72 and I'm just as far from Shura gear as well. lol Oh the thrill and excitement of another job to 75.

Tonight I have volleyball so between that and sky I don't think I'll have any time to level my SAM. Then tomorrow night my gf will be home and I will probably be with her all night as the same goes for Saturday because she loves to spend every second with me. Maybe I can get a hiatus from her and be able to exp SAM on Sunday. Hopefully sit in the bird camp for about 5 levels or so to just get myself rolling again. Oh snap, I just remembered I haven't done my AF for SAM yet either ... dammit. Guess that's something else I have to get going on especially since I have to finish my DRG AF before I can do my SAM.

Ok BESIDES, what my future plans are beyond tonight, I still have sky tonight. We have at least 1 Kirin pop set and then depending on what else we can farm or already have we may be able to do some lesser gods and possibly another Kirin. I am just hoping that I will be able to get something tonight to help with my gear selection for end game on MNK and SAM. We shall see what this evening brings I suppose.

Quote of the Day:
(before Hybrid's try for Soboro)
Hybridkiller: I bet you 10k that it won't drop for me
(after Hybrid's try)
Me: You owe me 10k :P
Hybridkiller: You think I should tell them that my SAM is only 15?

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Byakko's Haidate

First off, BOOYAHHHH BABY!!!! Byakko's Haidate is now mine!!! What has 2 thumbs and just turned into a loot whore? THIS GUY!

Let me tell you though, I EARNED that Haidate. The first Byakko we popped our tanks got dropped real fast for some reason, possibly because of Lightsday but all we know is they got pwnd. So in order to try and save it and not lose the pop set they asked me to keep dying and keep it from depoping. I lost 14k exp last night total from gods and getting to gods. In the end we got most of the alliance back up and ready to try again at Byakko. We get up, 20% of Byakko gone and 1 tank drops. Another 10% later the 2nd tank dies. Finally we say screw it and gave up on that one and let him depop. So basically I lost 14k exp for NOTHING! I was quite angry at that point and at which I didn't even think getting Haidate could make me feel better. Well, I was partially wrong. I did feel a lot better when I got Haidate but I was still a little peeved. It was good that Exion got his Haidate last night too. Poor Malikeye is next in line for Haidate again and he will hopefully get his tomorrow or maybe next week.

I do have to thank Sush a lot because after sky ended he sent me a tell saying that now that I have gotten Haidate he's pretty much accomplished all he wanted to do with this sky LS because the main people that he's friends with have gotten their big pieces of gear, like for me W Legs and Haidate. Even Khrone has gotten his D Body which is awesome. Now if only we could get lucky with some extra diorite and get a few more Haidates to drop so Khrone can get his we will be very set for Salvage. The gear and gil has helped greatly from this LS but now its time to start snagging the gear that I would like for when I get my SAM to 75 and the gear that has been holding my WAR back from being really good. All of the gear is kind of just junk gear to every LS now because its so common. There are very few people in our LS that want any more Heca gear or any more Shura gear besides the body pieces. Which opens the door for me. :D

Next week I will be looting as much as I can so there will be even less for me to need to get if I ever do decide to come back to sky after this LS folds. Hopefully by the time this LS truely goes under I will have MOST of what I want. Honestly the big gear I want is the Shura gear since SAM is my next job to 75. Heca would be nice but not necessary. Not to sound selfish, but I hope Sush doesn't get his N Body for at least a week or so because then I can have time to loot whore. hehe

Tonight right after work Mactatus is trying to put together a Soboro run which I am definitely up for because not having that is what originally stopped me from leveling SAM any further than 40. If I can snag that I will be EXSTATIC! Not to mention this would probably end up being one of my top weeks in my FFXI playing time because I would've gotten 2 really good pieces of gear the same week. After the soboro run we're hoping to finish off Khrone's Promyvion-Dem but if we can't get a group together for that we may try to exp with Disdain's DNC. His DNC is almost 37 which is prime bird camp leveling and I know I could find some good DD in our shell that would be willing to go crazy exping there. I think Mactatus got 10 levels (45-55) in just that camp on Monday. I am more than willing to spend basically all night there because that could mean getting my SAM from 51-58 and then throwing on my Hauby.

Quote of the Day:
Sush has made a vote:
Please vote if you want Lux removed from the LS:
1) Yes
2) No

- Final tallly was 11-6 in favor of getting kicked out. So no more Lux in our LS and as a parting gift Sush was kind enough to give Lux N Hands which I thought was very classy because Lux had done a lot of farming on his own to help the LS out so he did deserve a sort of going away gift. Kudos to Sush for being classy. And thank goodness for the biggest loud mouth in the LS being gone.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Haidate In Sight

Oh yes, it shall be mine. We got 2 more diorite last night bringing us to a grand total of I BELIEVE 3 or 4 Byakko. I know we have at least 3 right now which means it just has to be 1/3 tonight and it shall be MINE!!! After that I can start being the loot whore I've always wanted to be. Maybe I can actually get some Heca gear for my WAR then and actually have a well equipped WAR for once.

Oh the gear that can flow in towards me once I get Haidate. Maybe I should start scheming to see where I would land on the N Body and D Body lists. I definitely want to just get as much as I can, and if no one lots for this gear I would definitely drop the 5 points on ALL of it. WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!! I'm pumped!!! After looking at the points, once I get my Haidate I will still be right arount #20 in points and about half of those people aren't really with the LS anymore. I love this because I could easily get some really nice pieces really quickly! I am now giddy like a school girl. lol

The big problem with last night was that for some strange reason a 56MB update took 3 hours to get downloaded and installed on my computers. I ended up being late because of it. But while I was waiting for the download to finish I got a lot of play time into Rock Band 2. I have yet to fail a song on Hard but I have yet to play any of the top 15 songs. There have been times where I came very close to failing but I still pulled it out and one time when I actually got 5 stars on AC/DC - Let There Be Rock. Not to mention last night I hit the 1,000,000 fan mark and got a trophy for it. It was cool to see another trophy pop up since I haven't gotten one in a while. I have also unlocked almost all of the venues now. There are probably only about 2 more venues that I still have to unl0ck.

As for tonight, I have championships for volleyball so it'll be a best of 5 series. After that it will probably be about 8:30 or so which doesn't really give me time for much except maybe crafting. Crafting is actuallya good idea for myself since I've been dumping gil into it and I need to actually use it to make some gil for once after I dump all this gil into it. Although now I am a little scared because there is a new earring out that has 30 charges of RR3 which could CRUSH the market for RR Hairpins. Here's to hoping all my gil spent on leveling up BC does not go to waste. Then of course it will be time for sky and me getting my Haidate and a ton of other gear too. Hahaha

Quote of the Day:
Lux: Xzavier isn't responding to any of my tells, I think he's afk but I've also seen him zone. but I need a raise.
Kota: X are you there? Lux has been sending you tells asking for a raise.
Xzavier: Well I don't get them because I have him /blist'ed.
All: lol
- I think its obvious who is the most loved in the LS now...

Monday, December 8, 2008

Close Calls

This weekend was for the most part a total bust on getting things accomplished. I pretty much sat infront of my computer the entire weekend and really didn't get anything done. I got 1 more merit point, .5 more skill on BC taking me to 71.9, and then did some more sky last night. This has just been an unmotivated weekend I guess.

It was a weekend of close calls because I got 71.9 on Bonecrafting but couldn't get to 72 because some butt munch was trying to hike up the prices to at least 4k above what they were and I won't pay the hiked up price and I hope no one else does too since that is a 10% price raise (if its even only 4k higher). As far as my guild point item, I ALMOST did it this weekend. I had the web page up and new what item I had to get and knew I could easily do it, but for some retarded reason never actually did it. Then there was last night with me almost getting my next shot at haidate since a dio dropped on basically the 1st mob last night. We could've easily done the 2xKirin we did and go do Byakko and get my kitty pants ... but we didn't.

This leaves me still 1st in line for Byakko's Haidate and only 1 pop set to work off of. On the bright side we did get 2xD Body from the first Kirin last night and 1 N. Body that should've gone to Sush but he had passed out so we went w/o him. Suxorz for him! Tonight though I'm going to get my kitty pants because Byakko is going to be a good putty tat and ... give me Haidate. (Yes, I paused before finishing that sentence because I had to go through about 3 ways of saying it with a double entendre first. lol) Then once I get those pants I burn the rest of my points where ever I can!!!! MUAHAHAHA

I'm so excited to get Haidate out of the way so I can get some other gear to maybe actually upgrade my WAR or prepare for my SAM which I am leveling next. Now sky is starting to get exciting again because I don't just have 1 piece to look forward to, I have about 6 pieces to look forward to after Haidate. The only real 2 big pieces to get after haidate are D Body and N Body. I may try to pick up a D Body soon since there is almost no line anymore. SO EXCITED!

Tonight will be sky at its usual time, but we are also planning a Promyvion-Dem run for Khrone and Ramoth since they need their promies still. We did Mea for them this weekend and Khrone already has Holla done so that would mean when we finish Dem tonight he'll be in Lufaise Meadows. Sadly, if we were to try to keep Ramoth on track though too we'd have to do another Holla run for him. We shall see how this pans out though because maybe we can get Vayla (Xandrah) into the mix for some of these runs to try to make a little static for them for CoP.

Quote of the Day:
Close only counts in Horse shoes and hand grenades.
- I have no clue :P

Friday, December 5, 2008

Sad Panda Bear

It is sounding like Lolfail could be coming to an end if we don't get a strong leader to step up while Sush is straightening out his RL. Basically none of the sacks are really stepping up since Vibion was really the only sack that did anything. Trog just has a sack because he's RL friends with Sush I think. Fuman could lead but he hasn't really stepped up at all previously so I don't really see that happening. Hybrid somehow became a sack out of the blue, and he is actually willing to step up but I don't know if I see the LS really following him because he is so new. As far as Kota goes, he'd be a good leader but his playing time has seemed to be basically diddly for the past month, like how last night we could've done some lesser gods but he had the pop sets and wasn't on.

Which kind of brings me to, well, me. To be perfectly honest, I don't really want to lead. I'm willing to step up and take over while the leaders are not around, but to actually basically take over the LS while Sush is away doesn't really interest me. One thing that I have thought of is kinda of taking the lead but then pretty much letting Hybrid lead the LS. The biggest problem with this is Hybrid has a VERY short temper and I know he can blow up at people pretty quickly which scares me because that could quickly push people away from the LS. That's kind of why I think I could take the lead but then basically split leadership between all the sacks, which is what the sacks were all suggesting but Sush still wants a "leader of the pack".

Anyways, last night wasn't nearly what I hoped it to be. No dynamis, no byakko, no haidate, crappy sky farming, and I ended up staying up late. There were some positives that came out of last night. I got 1.4 levels on my BC for only about 100k which isn't so bad because I know 70 -> 80 is going to basically be a gil sink, or at least 70 -> 77. Besides that, I also got another FL assault done and was in a few screen shots on Drackonus's blog because that was his last assault that he needed for Captain. Congrats to Drack on Captain, a job well done sir.

Also, because dynamis got canceled I had some free time before volleyball so I decided to try my hand in clamming. On my first bucket I got a coral fragment!!! And then the other about 2 hours I spent throughout the night doing clamming I probably got about 20k in other gil items too. But whoever said they can usually get 6 coral/hr is full of it because they definitely weren't popping out like that for me. This weekend I'm going to keep going with clamming though because its 500 gil per bucket and you can actually make some decent gil with almost zero effort what so ever.

This evening will probably hold in store for me clamming, meriting, and then possibly some lower level exp with Disdain and maybe Khrone. Maybe we can work Disdain's DNC to 37 then do the bird camp with me, him, and Khrone. Then once Disdain hits 42 we can have Khrone switch to one of his other jobs that is at 37 and we can rinse and repeat until Khrone is out of jobs at 37 that we can use. All of that should take my SAM from 51 to about 57 I'm thinking. Wow, that's one heck of a lot of exp. lol Although, the faster I can speed my SAM to 66 or 75 the better because then I can actually have fun with another job. Just that I know its gonna take me a hunk of gil to gear SAM pretty well for end game. Oh well, at least I'll be having fun with it.

Quote of the Day:
(in tells between me and Sush)
Sush: To be honest, treubond doesn't have what it takes to be a leader
Me: ?
Sush: LOL, that came out completely wrong
Sush: I meant ******** doesn't have what it takes to be a leader
- ass was trying to rub it in my face that he thinks I suck ... MAKE ME A SAD PANDA BEAR

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Lean Back, Lean Back

Talk about lazy nights. I feel like I got nothing done last night but that I did a lot. Its probably because I went on 2 Nyzul Isle floor 80 runs and didn't have anything drop on the 1st run and didn't win the 2nd one because we ran out of time. The drop rates from these bosses is TERRIBLE! I have now been on 8 boss fight runs and have only seen 1 set of askar feet drop to only be won by a BST. This is just starting to get a little frustrating when you see all these other people with this nice gear and then you don't even see it drop. Which is almost the exact same situation with RDM AFv2 hat, I've only SEEN it drop once. I guess I still don't have any right to be at all emo because I do still have my W Legs.

As for the rest of the night I did some LS meriting and got 2 more merits which puts me at 3/5 Ice Acc on RDM now. Now I just have to USE my RDM again and it'll be worth it. Once I finish meriting Ice I think I'm going to move on from meriting. Besides meriting I also went out with Disdain and did some Campaigning on Screamineagle to try to get his BST a little closer to 74. He's now about 13 or 14k from 74 so I guess sitting him out there and doing campaign will not only help him get to 75 but it will also help rank him up beyond Emblems because I would still like to get the Iron Ram pants for him.

Outside of those 3 things I didn't do anything else, not even my guild item which I want to start doing again so I can get my apron and have more of a skill advantage when I try to do the big gap synths. Next for synthing I think I'm going to do Demon's Knives which are 73. That way the gap for coral hairpins are even less of a jump and I will have BC+2 by then hopefully. So 73+2 to 77 is not bad at all and I really shouldn't fail too much. I may even go sit in the BC guild to get the free guild support to put me at 73+3 which means I should be successful about 90% of the time. And seeing that I just discovered there is a mini guild in Al Zahbi I can just get the support there as long as the NPCs haven't been taken. I could actually start doing this this weekend which would help me get a jump start on getting to 80BC and being able to crank out RR hairpins and making some steady gil. Ahhhh, the prospect of having a steady income outside of Sky is a very good feeling since that means I will have the gil to buy more stuff that actually interests me like a Vermy or being able to pay for Salvage gear once I get back to it. I have a feeling after New Years I'm going to try to put together a group because I will probably be slowing down with sky and Sush will probably have everything he needs/wants which basically just leaves me to trying to get a few more good people like Mac and Dray together to be able to rock out and get some nice gear. The only problem is that a lot of us would be fighting over Morrigan and only about 2 people fighting for Usu which would be great for Khrone, but crappy for me. Hehe, see how easily I get sidetracked?!

Tonight I have Dynamis right after work which means I have to fly home to try to make it on time, but I am very excited it'll be an icelands because that means GOOD GEAR!!! Hopefully we have people show up and we get some good drop rates. Basically right after Dynamis I will have to start getting ready for volleyball and then I will be coming home for sky right afterwards. I've got quite a busy night tonight.

On a side note, just before I went to sleep last night I thought about 2 things ... Morrigan's Robe and RDM AFv2 hat. Yes, I'm an addict and I admit it. lol


Quote of the Day:
"Edward Cullen would eat you out during your period"
- from a "bumper sticker" one of my gf's friends left on my gf's facebook ... oh the grossness
(and if you don't understand it Edward Cullen is a vampire from the book/movie Twilight)

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Lack Of Attendance

We had 2xKirin planned for last night and we couldn't even get a full alliance together let alone a group of the right jobs. So obviously it turned into a farming night, but of course it wasn't that great because we just have not been lucky with during regular farm time farming.

We got a Despot, MG, and I think that was it. No waters or diorites, again. Now that we do have that Despot we can go do another Byakko though which makes me happy since it gives me try #3 for my haidate to drop. Malikeye was so happy last night that he heard we have another Byakko set just waiting to be popped. I hope he doesn't freak out when he realizes that I'm beating him by 10 points now, even though I was down by about 30 at the beginning of the week. Its not like I'll be leaving the LS after I get haidate though so I'll still be around to help him get his, but I'm not passing haidate again.

Which brings us to Wednesday, today. I don't have sky tonight so I'm not sure what I will do with my free time. First thing I need to do is some house work which should take an hour or two. After that I would really like to do my guild item for the day, but that would only take about 30 minutes. That leaves me with about 5 hours left to do ... whatever. I guess about 2 of those hours could be used for meriting and just hammering out a few more merits for my RDM. Maybe I can drag Hybrid out with me because I know he still wants more of a buffer and more merits. While I'm at it I might as well bring Khrone with me too since I know he still wants to cap his H2H because he's always saying how he's missing. Hmm, maybe I can just turn it into an LS merit party then since that's already half the party just with LS people. Could see if Disdain wants to come out too.

I know I will get bored pretty easily with meriting so I'll probably put about a 2 hour cap on that. After that I want to look a little more towards Assaults and Nyzul Isle. The bonus of that is that I can be fishing on Screamin while I wait for a shout for those. Another thought that has crossed my mind is doing some sort of Nyzul Isle/Assaults static. Like, do 4 Nyzul Isle runs one day, then 3 days later do 3 assaults. Its a viable plan but that's loading up my days even more again. For me I could do Nyzul Sunday and then Assaults Wednesday, but I don't know how it would work out for anyone else. Bleh, so much I want to do in the game with so little time. Hopefully my brother will get the winning tickets for the MegaMillions on Friday so I can retire and game for the rest of my life. :D ...what a life that would be...

Quote of the Day:
I don't think Byakko Haidate is the best legs piece, because I keep missing so I need more ACC gear on my legs.
- Khrone, silly n00b

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Outside Farming

Last night I wasn't in the greatest of moods and I don't really know why. It could have partially been the fact that when I logged on I was staring at an unclaimed Kirin with 2 pets out that decided to smack me in the face and kill me. What a fun way to start off your day right?

After I got a raise from the LS that was doing terrible against Kirin I got an almost immediate invite from Kota. They were already up in sky farming. So I figured I might as well help out since I'm already there. Luckily after about 3 or so hours of farming we got 3 diorites, 1 MG, and 1 Faust. Since we also popped 2 of the diorites and got the Autumnstones we got 5 more points each. I got 40 points yesterday before sky even STARTED!!!

Once sky started we popped the last diorite and popped a BB. After that I was holding on to every stone and 2/4 gems, which meant I almost had every pop item for the lesser gods. I think we ended up using every pop item I had on me too last night. It was a pretty good night because we sold N Feet for 500k which we definitely earned because we got them to drop off a Suzaku that we didn't do so well on. The biggest problem I had with sky last night is that I am now next in line for Haidate and guess what, 2x Byakko and the bugger didn't drop them either time. We still have 1 more diorite but I think we need another Despot before we can pop Byakko again so I'm hoping I get my kitty pants tonight so I can be much relieved and don't have the necessity of pushing myself in sky anymore. I can lay back a little and maybe concentrate on leveling a job again.

I am thinking that on Wednesday since we don't have sky I may try to snag Disdain and go duo my SAM with his DNC through the desert on pet spiders. Or maybe start up a party and see how well we roll. As I am dropping rapidly in the rankings in ffxiah I feel as though I need to start advancing again since I'm definitely falling behind and I haven't really done anything with Disdain since he came back. Us going and exping together could be some fun even though I don't really have that much gear for my SAM right now, but I'm sure I could gear it quite easily.

The other options I have for Wednesday is crafting or meriting. Both of which are a good idea because they will bring me closer to goals of having a money maker and the goal of becoming a better RDM in turn can be a good money maker. If I get BC up higher I can make RR hairpins and make gil that way. If I get my RDM more pimped I could go farm with Sush or Mac and split the profits of a say a Despot or Ulli which sell for 500k a piece and aren't really that hard with either 2xRDM/NIN or RDM/NIN + BLM. I guess we shall have to see what opportunity arises because I may just end up doing assaults or nyzul isle, WHO KNOWS?!

Tonight will be volleyball then maybe a quick merit party so I can get another merit into Ice Acc on RDM then up to sky. Not really sure what I'll have time for because I don't know how RL stuff will pan out since I have a ton of stuff to do ... like laundry. XD

Quote of the Day:
Hybrid: I'm pretty sure Exion is one of "those guys".
Exion dies.
Hybrid: That "guy" just died again lol
- it was funnier if you were there

Monday, December 1, 2008

Almost 2 Weeks Free

Guess what? Girlfriend is back at school for almost 2 weeks, and we all know what that means. That means more time for me to game without interruption. HAZZAH! Aren't I such a great boyfriend? lol

Anyways, this weekend I didn't really get much done. I tried a few Nyzul Isle runs for Goliard and nothing good dropped from any of the runs I went on, and by nothing good I mean no goliard/askar/denali dropped. I have now gone on about 5 or 6 boss runs in Nyzul Isle and have only ever seen 1 piece drop and that was on my first run. Maybe tonight we can start our own Nyzul Isle group like we wanted to this weekend. Hybridkiller, Mactatus, Khrone, and me were going to start a little static and now I guess we found 2 other people to join us for a full group but I only know of Zspa (Hybrid's friend) that was going to join us. I know Disdain wanted in but Hybrid said we were full which is news to me.

There is always Sky to talk about too. We did a Seiryu and 2xKirin last night but only beat 1 Kirin. So we go through this long hassel of getting people's 2hr's reset which works and then we get all set up to go, BRD's 2hr, and Vasel d/c's. He was our 3rd BRD which causes big problems. Not only did the leader of the last party NOT get me in at all but I got to sit out half the fight because no one invited me back in after I gave songs to my first party. Basically I COMPLETELY wasted my 2hr. We got Kirin down to about 20% but people freaked out and couldn't do their jobs apparently so we ended up wiping, oh well. It was really bad luck that Vasel d/c'd just as the BRDs popped their 2hrs.

I need to boost myself in points a little bit because I'm not 1st in line for Haidate like I thought I was. I guess I'm only 2nd in line which isn't cool because I want them next. lol Eh, I just realized I'm 40 points behind the guy ahead of me which is a lot of outside farming. Guess I can wait to be 2nd in line. haha So I know I keep saying this in basically every blog, but once I get haidate out of the way I will feel 10x better about sky. After that I will be pretty much done and then will just be moving on to picking up random other drops.

Outside of that, I have been doing a lot of meriting lately. I am now 8/8 in Enfeebling Magic after being 6/8 for a very long time. The only draw back was that I had to take my 1 lone merit out of String Instrument skill which I never used anyways. Now I have to start working on my RDM and working towards 5/5 Ice Accuracy which I think will just about do it for me and merits for a bit. Although I could really drop some more into Wind Acc but its not as huge a priority anymore. There is always BLM and potency of my spells, but again that is just fluff because I don't really like BLM all that much.

Almost forgot to mention my new dynamis shell. Well we had a whole 6 people show up for dynamis so they scratched it. There are supposedly 15 people in the shell and only 6 showing up is pretty damn sad because they were more than likely 15 good and dedicated people ... guess not. Hopefully they will be all together on Thursday because I really want to try out this low man LS and see how it pans out because this will be my first true low man LS experience. This could blossom into something really nice for myself and my friends.

Tonight I will be hoping that we get our Nyzul Isle group going because I'd love to have floor 100 access by the end of January. This isn't too much of a stretch for a goal I don't think because you can do 7 a week, which is 35 floors, which means you could be done in less than 3 weeks. I am leaving it under the assumption of doing 20 floors every week which we would then be done in 5 weeks, plus figuring in a week off or something end of January is very reasonable. There will be a struggle for some of the gear I'm sure because I know at least myself, Mac, and Hybrid will all be going for Goliard which kind of blows, but oh well. That just means once we all have access we can all do our own pick up floor runs to try to get our own pieces.

Also for tonight, if I'm not doing Nyzul Isle then Sky, I hope to be meriting some more I suppose because I still have oodles of more merits to get.

Quote of the Day:
Lux, shut up for the rest of the run
- Sush, up in sky because Lux never shuts up and thinks he knows how to do everything