Monday, December 15, 2008

Mighty Morphing Power LS

Good news, our LS has changed again! The LS will now be selling every other Haidate to buyers.

This has up sides and down sides. The up side, the people that are looking more for the payout will get exactly that, a bigger payout from us selling the Haidates for 4.75M. The down side, the people that thought they were so close to Haidate have just been bumped down the list by 2x. For example, Khrone was 5th on the list for Haidate so now he is actually 10th. At least he will still be getting his bigger payouts now and maybe our attrition rate for sky will be higher than it seemingly has been because of those bigger payouts. The reasoning behind this change is that newer people were flying up the list for Haidate and not really deserving of it and then leaving the LS once they got it. Thus making it another point to keep people in the LS or those that are just trying to leech out of the LS. I just feel sorry for Hybrid and Khrone because they are going to have to wait longer for their Haidates. There has been more of a push though for more Byakko out put though, like the new goal is 4-6 a week which also means hitting the dio/despot farm hard.

I also got a chance to roll out with Disdain and Khrone to the bird camp in the past. We rolled with 5 people and a PL with 2xDRK, 2xSAM, and DNC plus Screamin as a PL. I almost never ran out of MP because I had just gotten a discounted Vermy from Hybrid (thank you sir) for when I helped him out. We ROCKED that spot and I went from 51-54 on SAM without much of a problem. It was a great party, especially when you are doing 10k+/hr on a level 37-41 job. My only wish is that I could use my Soboro for some fun fun damage and weapon skilling. I also really wish I wasn't main tanking because I was full timing Seigan and Third Eye which meant my damage output wasn't what it could have been, but it was still good damage when I could break out Hasso because someone else pulled a lot of hate.

I don't have much time left in the day, so I'll come to a quite quick ending. Tonight I'll probably be with my gf most of the night if not all of the night so that means I don't even know if I'll get to log on for sky tonight which means they probably won't be able to do Kirin. Well, they might if they have all the right people up there.... /sigh. Anyways, until tomorrow.

Quote of the Day:
Have to fly, have to fight, have to crow, have to save Maggie, have to save Jack .... Hook is back.
- Toodles from Hook

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