Thursday, December 18, 2008

Ventrilo Must Die

Seriously, so Kota had no problems setting it up, but for some reason I am having a big problem with it. I can connect to my own Ventrilo server running on my computer, but I can't even connect to it from my laptop. The only thing I haven't tried for that is using my internal (inside my router) IP address for my computer. I tried using the outside IP address and the local host and even the addres but none of them worked. Hopefully that will at least fix my internal issues with Vent. Then I'll only have to get a new microphone since mine is apparently broken. Of course then I have to figure out how to have other people get INTO my server from outside ... like the vent site can actually do.

Maybe I'll try out Teamspeak tonight and see how that works out for me.

Last night I was in such a bad mood with the whole Ventrilo stuff that I almost didn't do anything in game. I ended up only doing some Campaign for myself and Screamin. As for Screamineagle he hit 7 merits so I decided to finally to use some up. I threw 2 merits into shield skill and then another merit into Chivalry. 2.5 minutes off of chivalry can actually really add up when you overload it with merits. I guess I should be kind of happy from that but it only curbed the anger a little bit. Hopefully when it comes time I can rank up with both of my chars again but I think I'll still be 1 rank short of the Iron Ram Hose for Screamineagle.

Tonight is finals for volleyball so I'll have that. I have a feeling we're going to win in 3 games (best of 5) so I shouldn't be out too long so maybe I can work a little bit on getting the Vent or TS servers working. But then I will either have sky or gf duty. Guess we'll just see where the night takes me again...

Quote of the Day:
2 RDM hats drop in dynamis tonight :D
- Sush after getting out of Dyanims-Xarc and making me REALLY want to do dynamis again...

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