My productivity in game has been a little low lately as my gf has been home and spending a lot of time with me. Most of my other free time has been spent trying to rearrange my room and clean my room and on the rare occasion hang out with some friends.
As far as out of game goes, my Christmas gifts weren't all that because I got like 3 articles of clothing and then some drawers and laundry hampers. That's pretty much why I've been rearranging my room a little because I've been trying to make room for it. I also got a new DVD rack which was really nice because I was completely out of space on my old one. As for what I asked for for Christmas was a lot of movies and I only got 3, Troy(Blu-Ray), Boiler Room(DVD), and a huge box set for I Am Legend(Blu-Ray). My room is pretty much reorganized but still needs to be cleaned (since I didn't get the hot maid I asked for or the hot personal assistant) but I still need to find a better place for my Rock Band 2 drum set.
As for in game, I've done a lot of AF hunting because I haven't really had time to exp at all. I am perfectly ok with not exping because I wanted to have my SAM AF helmet before I got back to SAM since I would probably hit 60 in my next party. My SAM is really exciting because I have a lot of really nice gear for it and at 59 I get my Hauby which will really help out with damage and accuracy since it has DEX and ACC bonuses.
But before even starting on my SAM AF I had to finish my DRG AF which wasn't really all that hard to do. Its nice having a 2nd char because I can basically duo everything now including all the really tough fights. Probably the hardest part of all the AF that I've done thus far has been the Temple of Ugg. coffer that I had to get for my SAM because it was in the hardest to reach spot. I went in with Screamin and found that it was behind 2 locked doors. Luckily 1 key wasn't too hard to get and the 2nd one I could aggro mobs through to open the door. The biggest problem was that Screamin ended up having about 4 mobs beating on him while I had to run and snag my coffer. Luckily the mob by the coffer had just turned away so I could grab it and then invis, run back to screamin and have him tele out. The only way I would be able to do that was Invincible on him and then tele. I ALMOST didn't make it because he had paralyze on him and if that would've stopped him from casting I was toast.
Now my next test will be the SAM AF helm fight. That I'm actually kind of excited to do because I want to duo it with MNK/DNC and RDM/WHM. It is supposedly soloable by a MNK/DNC but I figure with my RDM there to help out on cures while Screamin's MNK just destroys the mobs it should be fun. My plan right now is: Phalanx 2 on Screamin with other buffs, run in and get enough TP for Drain Samba 2, use it, then 2hr and take out the BLM and hopefully start on the DRK, take down the DRK, and then have a nice and easy time taking out the SMN. This sounds really easy to me so I'm happy to try it out. Hopefully I can try it out next weekend when I'm back in town. It will probably only be like a 5 or 10 min fight which is kind of funny since the run to the actual fight and prepping will more than likely take longer. Once I get this fight done and get my SAM kabuto I will be ready to go back in full swing with exping SAM. And my goal for SAM is being 66 in 3 weeks which I think is definitely doable even with sky events since I will have weekends free again as I don't plan on going to visit my gf for at least a few weeks.
This next week I will be in Chicago for the first time for New Year's events and to do the whole tourist thing with my gf. Should be pretty fun, hope I don't think too much about ^^ while I'm there. lol
Quote of the Day:
I can't believe that 1 song took us almost 2 hours to beat...
- one of us during our Rock Band 1 "Endless Setlist" marathon, we did all 58 songs in a row in 1 night
Still no old man cap? :P
Happy new year
Reminds me, if you wanna read my blog, send me your e-mail. I just felt like having it on private because I don't want some idiot across the world reading it for some reatarded reason. It's personal sometimes, so that's why. You can send your brother's too if he wants.
Since I'm posting a comment again, that has absolutely nothing to do with your post. Hear anything from Van? WTF is his e-mail anyway. It would be cool just to hear from him.
Must. Not. Think. About. FFXI.
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