Monday, December 22, 2008

Free Time

It is nice having free time again. I actually get to relax and do as I please. What I have been doing a lot of lately has been SAM leveling which is pretty fun. I realize that I don't have the drive that I used to with leveling but its nice to see me cruising through all of these levels.

My SAM hit 58 last night just before logging off because I was so tired. I am now only 1 level from Hauby, 2 levels from AF helm to help with Meditate (which I don't have yet), 3 levels from Minuet earring, 3 levels from Amemet +1 (which is very welcome upgrade), and I guess 1 or 2 levels from a good weapon skill! So much to come in the next few levels that will really help my SAM do some extra damage and take Enpi and Jinpu out of my arsenal. The thing I dread is after these next few levels I will be hitting the dreaded 60s and not see much as far as upgrades to gear or job abilities or anything really. Sekkanoki at 65 will be pretty hot but other than that I'm just looking forward to the 70s when I get LOTS of upgrades.

There in lies another problem, stop at 66 or go to 75? I'd like to go to 75 but Khrone was saying that I should stop at 66 and keep rolling for Maat's Cap. This is such a struggle for me because as much as I'd love to still go for Maat's Cap I don't really know if I can make it without taking a real break from the LS and completely concentrating on leveling again. It is a real time sink for one of the best overall head pieces in the game but also quite an accomplishment. I think I'd still like to have SAM or MNK at 75 before I go for Maat's Cap again but that is another job to 66 that I could be using that exp on. Argh, I guess it'll be how I feel when I hit 66 and see where I want to go.

Nyzul Isle went better this week, but still not great. We won 2 runs this week with a bad incident that caused us to lose the one time. It was a lesson learned so we will be sure not to wipe on that NM again. The biggest problem was that we were 2/3, as in we only did 3 runs instead of the full 4 again that we were hoping to do. That's 2 weeks in a row now to not have done a full 4 runs which is kind of annoying since I sit on tags to get us going. When we don't use that tag its basically a wasted tag because I could've gone on another boss fight run with another group. Oh well, hopefully next week we can get 4 runs in before I bounce for Chicago. I should be able to get Sunday away from the woman because I will need to finish packing since we leave basically right after I get out of work on Monday. Then after the holidays I think we are going to try and start doing twice a week so we can really get us moving through these floors as we all really want to get to floor 100 ASAP. That way we can go back and start owning the other floors for gear and be working on our new weapon skills. I'm more looking forward to the good gear because the Goliard Hands and Body are really good upgrades for my RDM which are much welcome.

Tonight will be gf time since we're doing dinner and gift exchange tonight. So I doubt there will be an update tomorrow as I won't really have anything to talk about. Til next time.

Quote of the Day:
Wait, you guys want me to switch to my WAR?!?!
- Me when we were doing Nyzul Isle and realized that my BRD wasn't really helping during the regular floor runs (and my WAR actually did seemingly help)

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