Friday, December 19, 2008

Venting About Vent

I was right about my laptop, I was putting in the wrong IP address. I can now connect to my Ventrilo server and actually so could Khrone. This means that the reason that Hybridkiller couldn't connect 2 nights ago was because I sort of forgot to give him the password. lol Anyways, I think I will finally have my own Ventrilo server now which is pretty sweet. That means we could all be pretty well set up for anything we need it for like Salvage or Nyzul Isle or whatever.

After I found that out about vent, I went to volleyball and won the finals, hurray for money back or a free sweatshirt. After that it was a full night of a SHITTY movie (never watch The Strangers, really bad) and then gf time. Not to mention a bunch of RL drama, which obviously I love whole heartedly.

On a side note, I discovered that Swifman had convinced Alexson to jump servers thus discovering that Swifman ain't comin back. Oh well, another friend on this server bites the dust. Good luck on your longer term stay than I expected Swif.

Quote of the Day:
Well at least we know you can connect to my vent server, now we just actually need mics to test it out.
- Me on the phone with Khrone because he connected but neither of us had working mics to try it out

1 comment:

Khrone said...

"Not to mention a bunch of RL drama, which obviously I love whole heartedly." lol

Well, with ffxi drama, you can just ignore it and say "eh, at least i don't need to deal with this stuff in RL..."

Try doing the same with RL drama! ("at least i don't need to deal with this stuff in-game!") ^^