It is sounding like Lolfail could be coming to an end if we don't get a strong leader to step up while Sush is straightening out his RL. Basically none of the sacks are really stepping up since Vibion was really the only sack that did anything. Trog just has a sack because he's RL friends with Sush I think. Fuman could lead but he hasn't really stepped up at all previously so I don't really see that happening. Hybrid somehow became a sack out of the blue, and he is actually willing to step up but I don't know if I see the LS really following him because he is so new. As far as Kota goes, he'd be a good leader but his playing time has seemed to be basically diddly for the past month, like how last night we could've done some lesser gods but he had the pop sets and wasn't on.
Which kind of brings me to, well, me. To be perfectly honest, I don't really want to lead. I'm willing to step up and take over while the leaders are not around, but to actually basically take over the LS while Sush is away doesn't really interest me. One thing that I have thought of is kinda of taking the lead but then pretty much letting Hybrid lead the LS. The biggest problem with this is Hybrid has a VERY short temper and I know he can blow up at people pretty quickly which scares me because that could quickly push people away from the LS. That's kind of why I think I could take the lead but then basically split leadership between all the sacks, which is what the sacks were all suggesting but Sush still wants a "leader of the pack".
Anyways, last night wasn't nearly what I hoped it to be. No dynamis, no byakko, no haidate, crappy sky farming, and I ended up staying up late. There were some positives that came out of last night. I got 1.4 levels on my BC for only about 100k which isn't so bad because I know 70 -> 80 is going to basically be a gil sink, or at least 70 -> 77. Besides that, I also got another FL assault done and was in a few screen shots on Drackonus's blog because that was his last assault that he needed for Captain. Congrats to Drack on Captain, a job well done sir.
Also, because dynamis got canceled I had some free time before volleyball so I decided to try my hand in clamming. On my first bucket I got a coral fragment!!! And then the other about 2 hours I spent throughout the night doing clamming I probably got about 20k in other gil items too. But whoever said they can usually get 6 coral/hr is full of it because they definitely weren't popping out like that for me. This weekend I'm going to keep going with clamming though because its 500 gil per bucket and you can actually make some decent gil with almost zero effort what so ever.
This evening will probably hold in store for me clamming, meriting, and then possibly some lower level exp with Disdain and maybe Khrone. Maybe we can work Disdain's DNC to 37 then do the bird camp with me, him, and Khrone. Then once Disdain hits 42 we can have Khrone switch to one of his other jobs that is at 37 and we can rinse and repeat until Khrone is out of jobs at 37 that we can use. All of that should take my SAM from 51 to about 57 I'm thinking. Wow, that's one heck of a lot of exp. lol Although, the faster I can speed my SAM to 66 or 75 the better because then I can actually have fun with another job. Just that I know its gonna take me a hunk of gil to gear SAM pretty well for end game. Oh well, at least I'll be having fun with it.
Quote of the Day:
(in tells between me and Sush)
Sush: To be honest, treubond doesn't have what it takes to be a leader
Me: ?
Sush: LOL, that came out completely wrong
Sush: I meant ******** doesn't have what it takes to be a leader
- ass was trying to rub it in my face that he thinks I suck ... MAKE ME A SAD PANDA BEAR
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