Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Byakko's Haidate

First off, BOOYAHHHH BABY!!!! Byakko's Haidate is now mine!!! What has 2 thumbs and just turned into a loot whore? THIS GUY!

Let me tell you though, I EARNED that Haidate. The first Byakko we popped our tanks got dropped real fast for some reason, possibly because of Lightsday but all we know is they got pwnd. So in order to try and save it and not lose the pop set they asked me to keep dying and keep it from depoping. I lost 14k exp last night total from gods and getting to gods. In the end we got most of the alliance back up and ready to try again at Byakko. We get up, 20% of Byakko gone and 1 tank drops. Another 10% later the 2nd tank dies. Finally we say screw it and gave up on that one and let him depop. So basically I lost 14k exp for NOTHING! I was quite angry at that point and at which I didn't even think getting Haidate could make me feel better. Well, I was partially wrong. I did feel a lot better when I got Haidate but I was still a little peeved. It was good that Exion got his Haidate last night too. Poor Malikeye is next in line for Haidate again and he will hopefully get his tomorrow or maybe next week.

I do have to thank Sush a lot because after sky ended he sent me a tell saying that now that I have gotten Haidate he's pretty much accomplished all he wanted to do with this sky LS because the main people that he's friends with have gotten their big pieces of gear, like for me W Legs and Haidate. Even Khrone has gotten his D Body which is awesome. Now if only we could get lucky with some extra diorite and get a few more Haidates to drop so Khrone can get his we will be very set for Salvage. The gear and gil has helped greatly from this LS but now its time to start snagging the gear that I would like for when I get my SAM to 75 and the gear that has been holding my WAR back from being really good. All of the gear is kind of just junk gear to every LS now because its so common. There are very few people in our LS that want any more Heca gear or any more Shura gear besides the body pieces. Which opens the door for me. :D

Next week I will be looting as much as I can so there will be even less for me to need to get if I ever do decide to come back to sky after this LS folds. Hopefully by the time this LS truely goes under I will have MOST of what I want. Honestly the big gear I want is the Shura gear since SAM is my next job to 75. Heca would be nice but not necessary. Not to sound selfish, but I hope Sush doesn't get his N Body for at least a week or so because then I can have time to loot whore. hehe

Tonight right after work Mactatus is trying to put together a Soboro run which I am definitely up for because not having that is what originally stopped me from leveling SAM any further than 40. If I can snag that I will be EXSTATIC! Not to mention this would probably end up being one of my top weeks in my FFXI playing time because I would've gotten 2 really good pieces of gear the same week. After the soboro run we're hoping to finish off Khrone's Promyvion-Dem but if we can't get a group together for that we may try to exp with Disdain's DNC. His DNC is almost 37 which is prime bird camp leveling and I know I could find some good DD in our shell that would be willing to go crazy exping there. I think Mactatus got 10 levels (45-55) in just that camp on Monday. I am more than willing to spend basically all night there because that could mean getting my SAM from 51-58 and then throwing on my Hauby.

Quote of the Day:
Sush has made a vote:
Please vote if you want Lux removed from the LS:
1) Yes
2) No

- Final tallly was 11-6 in favor of getting kicked out. So no more Lux in our LS and as a parting gift Sush was kind enough to give Lux N Hands which I thought was very classy because Lux had done a lot of farming on his own to help the LS out so he did deserve a sort of going away gift. Kudos to Sush for being classy. And thank goodness for the biggest loud mouth in the LS being gone.


Ara said...

Looks like you need some Ara PLD/NIN tanking!

Or some Ene WHM healing, or some Gwen WHM healing. Or some Ishida BLM blowing shit up.


Grats on your pants though. Do you ever use your warrior? o.o

I downloaded POL for vista last night.... Oh noes.

Ara said...

I should mention, if you need a loud mouth replacement in the LS. Let me know. :P

I'm the biggest loud mouth going.