We had 2xKirin planned for last night and we couldn't even get a full alliance together let alone a group of the right jobs. So obviously it turned into a farming night, but of course it wasn't that great because we just have not been lucky with during regular farm time farming.
We got a Despot, MG, and I think that was it. No waters or diorites, again. Now that we do have that Despot we can go do another Byakko though which makes me happy since it gives me try #3 for my haidate to drop. Malikeye was so happy last night that he heard we have another Byakko set just waiting to be popped. I hope he doesn't freak out when he realizes that I'm beating him by 10 points now, even though I was down by about 30 at the beginning of the week. Its not like I'll be leaving the LS after I get haidate though so I'll still be around to help him get his, but I'm not passing haidate again.
Which brings us to Wednesday, today. I don't have sky tonight so I'm not sure what I will do with my free time. First thing I need to do is some house work which should take an hour or two. After that I would really like to do my guild item for the day, but that would only take about 30 minutes. That leaves me with about 5 hours left to do ... whatever. I guess about 2 of those hours could be used for meriting and just hammering out a few more merits for my RDM. Maybe I can drag Hybrid out with me because I know he still wants more of a buffer and more merits. While I'm at it I might as well bring Khrone with me too since I know he still wants to cap his H2H because he's always saying how he's missing. Hmm, maybe I can just turn it into an LS merit party then since that's already half the party just with LS people. Could see if Disdain wants to come out too.
I know I will get bored pretty easily with meriting so I'll probably put about a 2 hour cap on that. After that I want to look a little more towards Assaults and Nyzul Isle. The bonus of that is that I can be fishing on Screamin while I wait for a shout for those. Another thought that has crossed my mind is doing some sort of Nyzul Isle/Assaults static. Like, do 4 Nyzul Isle runs one day, then 3 days later do 3 assaults. Its a viable plan but that's loading up my days even more again. For me I could do Nyzul Sunday and then Assaults Wednesday, but I don't know how it would work out for anyone else. Bleh, so much I want to do in the game with so little time. Hopefully my brother will get the winning tickets for the MegaMillions on Friday so I can retire and game for the rest of my life. :D ...what a life that would be...
Quote of the Day:
I don't think Byakko Haidate is the best legs piece, because I keep missing so I need more ACC gear on my legs.
- Khrone, silly n00b
1 comment:
Did they nerf Diorites and Waters?
I know Diorites they did before I left right? I gotta say, I don't miss the farming part.
I wonder what's up with Van. Oh well.
And yeah, Khrone, based on that comment. You're a noob. haha Byakko's > for MNK. In some cases Shura may be better, but in most cases not.
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